Connection with God, self, others, and nature is a component of spiritual health. At Captive Set Free Psychiatry, the ability for recovery from mental health issues and relational pain is greatly enhanced by including spiritual components of care. Even though medication may be a necessary component for one to recover from symptoms, the spiritual components may be necessary tools to enable you to fly!
It seems to me that our rational mind and belief systems we hold on to so tightly may be a hindrance for spiritual connection components. I think of all the different religions and belief systems and realize this is what they are: beliefs originating in the mind. The mind is not the center for connection with God, self, others, or nature. The heart is the center of connection.
Brian Orme, author of “The Ascended Life”, believes the epicenter and source of power for change begins in our perception of God. When one is convinced of God’s goodness through connection with Him, self, others, and nature, the eyes of the heart are opened affecting all our thoughts and mindsets.
As the electrical pathway in the brain changes to harmony with one’s heart rooted in God’s goodness, one’s thoughts and behaviors naturally follow suit. Loving thoughts toward God, oneself, others, and nature is a natural overflow of a heart grounded in love. We try hard to reign in our mind and thoughts. But this introspection may develop into a downward spiral of self-absorption and self-focus. Humans have not been created for self-absorption – – We have been created in and for love.
I like what Brian says, “Love annihilates self-sufficiency and love demands dependency.”
I encourage you today to look outside yourself and connect in appreciation and wonder to the world around you. Set aside the human tendency to want to fix yourself. It is okay to not be okay. Even flowers require dirt and mud to grow. Love thrives in messiness, according to Brian. You have been made for connection and love.