Major Depression

Telehealth Services for Major Depression in Illinois

In the US, millions of individuals suffer from major depression every day. In fact, major depressive disorder impacts over 18 million American adults every year. And all around the world, over 300 million people struggle with episodes of depression. All this to say, if suffering from depression yourself, you’re not alone. And at Captive Set Free, we aim to help you overcome your depression. By providing telehealth counseling and potential medications for clients throughout Illinois, we’ll discover a treatment program that works best for you.

What is Major Depression?

It’s common for individuals to go through bouts of depression or sadness. However, where depression becomes a significant issue is whether it takes over your life. Major, or clinical, depression is just that: daily negative mood shifts that severely impact how you function throughout your day. And major depressive disorder doesn’t only affect you mentally but can also contribute to physical health issues.

Common Symptoms

If you believe you might be suffering from major depression, it’s encouraged for you to talk with a counselor as soon as possible. Some symptoms you may experience with major depressive disorder include:

  • Loss of interest or pleasure
  • Feelings of restlessness
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • A significant lack of energy
  • Changes in appetite
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feelings of sadness or irritability
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

What Might Cause Clinical Depression?

Until talking with a trained mental health professional, it can be challenging to identify the source of your major depression. Thankfully, Captive Set Free has experience when diagnosing issues of depression and can pinpoint potential causes, such as:

  • Genetics – Major depression can sometimes be genetic if there is a history of it in your family.
  • Medications – Certain medications can potentially increase your risk of depression.
  • Trauma – Major adverse life events can play a significant role in your development, leaving you vulnerable to depression.
  • Substance Abuse – Ultimately, the abuse of legal or illegal substances cannot bring you true relief from major depression.
  • Life Events – Marriage, divorce, buying a house, losing a job, losing a loved one, and more; whether positive or negative, the stress of a significant life event can put you at risk for clinical depression.
  • And More – Truthfully, each client’s scenario is unique, and major depressive disorder can stem from various causes. Working with Captive Set Free can help you determine the source.

Online Therapy session for Major Depression

Here to Help

Sherri Bowald is a board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. She provides professional care for all her clients through psychiatric interviews and possible medication. Moreover, Captive Set Free is different from other mental health practices, as Sherri teaches clients through spiritual support, building a stronger connection between her clients and God. Sherri and Captive Set Free can offer telehealth services throughout Illinois, targeting mental health issues such as major depression, anxiety, OCD and more.

To learn more about Captive Set Free and how we can help, you can contact us today at 309-300-3067 to book an appointment. Or, we are available via email at